Our 2023 event is locked in for July 6-8th 2023 in a Columbus, OH. We've negotiated a fantastic room rate at a gorgeous hotel! Find out more here!
We had an amazing LIVE event in August 2022 where over 500 people connected with like-minded business building warriors and learned the latest PROVEN strategies.
The videos from this event are now available to you!

Others paid up to several thousand dollars in travel, registration and hotel to attend live (and gave RAVING reviews), but for a few days you get ALL the content for a fraction of what they paid!
You get nearly 40 unique sessions containing the latest strategies for success on Amazon and in Ecommerce all from the experts who are DOING IT!

Oscar Mutombo
One on One with Oscar: His Story & Q&A

Lisa Larson
Women in Business Panel Discussion

Jimmy Smith
Scaling Your Amazon Business

Delia Ursulescu
Creative Private Label

Nathan Bailey
Creating your own REPLENS: The branded bundle strategy

Matt Thompson
Do I Need a Coach?

Andrea Cockrum
Real Life with an Entrepreneur

Trey Cockrum

Sue & Larry Pruett
Preparing to Come Home

Brian & Robin Olson
Multiple Replens Sourcing Strategies

Jonathan Bricker
Proven Product Partnering

Kyle Curtis
ProvenReplensVA - How can our trained VA's grow your business?

Jessica Decker &
Leigha Modlin
Hands Free Replens

Abe McMahan
Hiring vs. Contracting Your Team

Ryan Reger
Growing an audience
(The "E" of CES)

Jenni Hunt
The Power of KDP

Ammi Stover
Advice for Those Starting Alone

Rich & Shelley Potter
Transition from OA/RA to a Strong Wholesale business

Scott Margolius
How to protect your business and stay out of trouble on Amazon

Gaye & Gary Moseley
w/Kyle Curtis - Amazon Replens Automation with a VA Panel Discussion

Jeff Schick
Replens Legal, IP and Worry Free Amazon Selling

Allison Morgan & Erin Cruz
Using Cash Back Apps & Rebates

Adam Wilson
Let's Find You a Good Mastermind Group
Guest Speaker:

Rachel Wilson
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Head of Data Security and Infrastructure Risk
The New Cyberthreat Landscape
As a 20-year veteran of the cybersecurity industry in both government and finance, Rachel Wilson will discuss the ever-evolving threats that individuals and companies face from hackers and other cyber criminals. She will highlight common mistakes that make our data and assets vulnerable to attacks and present several courses of action that can be taken immediately to better protect individuals, their families, and their online businesses.
Devotion on Sunday:

Kevin Ramsby
Kevin's ministry has been generously supported by the ProvenAmazonCourse community for years. He's been an inner-city Detroit pastor and a leading teacher on the vital role that "forgiveness" plays in all our lives for many years. He's also one of the most incredible leaders in Jim Cockrum's inner circle of closet friends and advisors. Here's a bit of Kevin's amazing story that's being turned into a movie.
Your Event Hosts:
Here's What You Can Expect:
The Proven Conference is about YOUR Success!
There’s a motto going around our community: “Success is like CANDLE LIGHT, not CAKE.”
This simply means that the more we share, the more we are able to experience success. In contrast to eating a cake (which is very limited once a few people get their slice), we know that YOUR success does NOT mean there's less for the rest of us - it's quite the opposite!
As we grow together and encourage each other forward using our proven strategies, we all experience more success. We believe that we lose nothing when we help others - so we do!
We want to see you succeed as so many 1000's of others in our community have already done!
This event has changed lives in ways that you can't possibly imagine!
Please know this -
We've heard time and time again that the best part of our annual events are the people who you meet in the hallways. This event was no exception! While you can't experience those interpersonal relationships through these videos, you will have access to all of the sessions those who attended in person had access to.
There is absolutely no inherent intelligence or special skills that our leaders and successful attendees possess. We all started where you started: with limited resources and having no previous experience selling online.
While we do not teach any get-rich-quick-schemes around here, we do use proven strategies that have been learned and applied by 1000's of successful students all over the world. In our community you'll find people who had more excuses than you have, less experience and knowledge than you - coming from a place of more challenges, fewer resources and more roadblocks who have something you don't have yet - a thriving online business! Being surrounded by these types of people and these types of strategies will change you and propel you to new heights!
Yes, you might experience some failures and challenges, but we are here to help! We want to minimize the time and investment required to put you on your path to success.
See Comments from Attendees
of this year's Proven Conference
Every session I went had a few good takeaways but the 2 speakers that impacted me the most were Jimmy Smith and Rich Potter. Jimmy outlined the necessity of outsourcing various components of your business in order to scale and grow it and his recommended steps/stages to get there were very helpful. Rich Potter had an amazing presentation as well...I love his take on having multiple streams but not operating them full-time. He gets one business up and running, learns the in's and out's and hand's off a lot of the day-to-day stuff to others; then on the next project. Super helpful and motivating.
Even though I attended live stream, I felt I was connected with family who spoke my language. I learned a lot also. The content was all pertinent to today's reality and rich in information. The keynote speaker , worship service, women's panel, advanced Keepa, all were great! Quite honestly, I felt sad when it was over because I felt I was physically present and didn’t want to leave. The ProvenConference was truly a blessing.
It was our first conference and it was a really great experience for us... The sessions were all informational and I learned something new in each one we were able to attend. I do not think I could put a price tag on the relationships and the growth we experienced at this conference, See you next year!!
This was my first PAC conference. It was way better than I anticipated. I took the VA class with Kyle, advanced Keepa, wholesale course, Nathan’s bundling class and a couple others. All were excellent. The cyber keynote was excellent. Jim and his family were all great. Andreas class gave me so much to think about in my marriage of 2 entrepreneurs. I’ll definitely go back next year!!
By far the best conference my wife and I have ever attended. Every session was filled with something that we could take back home immediately. My only wish would be to see this conference bumped up into July as August is very difficult with school starting. Thanks again for the tremendous conference. We hope to be back.
See Comments from Attendees
of past Proven Conferences
I am truly grateful to have been able to watch and learn from such an awesome group of people. You guys are doing it right. I feel blessed to have found you.
Tamara B.
The highlight for me, was the generosity of the attendees. People shared trade secrets, ideas, friendship, food, transportation—but most of all, they shared themselves. I know I have at least one new real FRIEND from CES. Thank you for CES, Jim.
Angel C.
Thanks Jim, Andrea, and entire MST staff for top-notch conference, first class all the way! And the knowledge shared? I'll be sorting through my notes and checking out all the resources, links, and tips for several more weeks. Will need replays and slides when available, because writer's cramp hit and I'm sure I missed more than half of all that presentation goodness. First CES and it's thumbs up!
Greg C.
Giving Jim a much deserved "thank you" accompanied by a handshake face to face did it for me. That and meeting Gary. Those 2 have been solely responsible for the life I've been fortunate enough to enjoy up to now. There aren't enough words to express the gratitude I feel towards both of those gentlemen.
Alberto D.
I am still in amazement of all the wonderful people I meet this week! It was a true honor talking and sharing ideas with everyone. A huge thank you to Jim and his team for putting this event on! You have created an incredible community where like-minded people can prosper from the synergy of working together. I pray that God would bless each person in their business endeavors. "If i have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Thank you to all the giants in this group for sharing so freely!
Nick W.
Very moved & touched by CES! Hit me right in the heart! What business conference does that? Simply WOW! Especially that ending. Thank you Jim!
Jonathan M.
More Comments from Attendees
of past Proven Conferences
Thank you to ALL who are part of presenting this workshop! The value I have gotten here is off the charts. My most heartfelt thanks!
Christie H.
Thanks to Jim and his amazing team! Awesome 3 days. Thank you!!
Kathy S.
I thought, "Is this really for real?"... And so I came, not knowing what to expect, but I've been blown away! There's just been so many great ideas about how I can build my business and establish multiple income streams! I am really excited and really thankful that Jim really is the real deal.
As an eCommerce website owner, I'm trying to get onto Amazon, and that's why I'm here... Honestly, between the speakers and the networking and all of the contacts I've collected so far—I've been AMAZED! BLOWN AWAY! I mean, when you read on the internet, the testimonials, but to see it first-hand, in-person has been the most wildest experience.
Sara D.
I'm here at the CES Conference. This is my first time, and I'm meeting a lot of new people, making new connections, taking a lot of notes, and I have a list of action items I'm going to take home and do.
Kim C.
I started with very little money... [In 12 months], I had been doing well enough to finally quit my job, and I thought that was the biggest accomplishment I could possibly make. Then, I found out my very best friend had come down with stage 4 cancer... through everything I've learned from Jim and his team, I've been able to maintain my business while being able to take care of my friend... be there for her every day—something I would not be able to do if I were still working in my little cubicle... like I have for the previous 21 years.
Bob B.
So many precious moments shared. This was our first CES and we feel so blessed to be a part of this movement. I've been in business for over 30 years and have NEVER experienced anything like it.
Stephanie C.
This is my first CES. It's been a GREAT conference—tons of good energy here, lots of great people! The connections are amazing. It's like the who's who of FBA are out here.
Rob A.
This was, without a doubt, the best money I have invested in myself since I started this journey a year ago! Thanks to EVERYONE involved! Amazing 3 days!
Cristy O.
I'm here at the CES Conference, and I've got to say this has been an AMAZING event, wonderful opportunity for you to network with other entrepreneurs—people that are in your space—which we don't get to do a lot! A lot of times we're in our living room and don't get a chance to talk with other people that know what they're doing and that can really share their expertise. That's why this is such a valuable conference to attend!
Robyn J.
The connections alone made CES worth attending. This is an amazing community! I received so much from so many. I have enough ideas and direction to keep me busy the next year. Thanks everyone!
Mary M.
I think one of my favorite parts of CES has been the relationships that are built. Of course there's lots of great information, but then you're able to interact with real people who are really doing this business and other businesses like it that are successful in their own ways. We're able to interact around those ideas and so there's a lot of synergy that happens there.
Joe K.
Thanks Jim and MST team for another amazing conference. This was true servant leadership in action.
Doug S.
I've never had the privilege of gaining so many fabulous Facebook friends in such a short period of time. Now my news feed is filled mostly with updates from all of you, which seems to have pushed a lot of junk out of the way. I love it!!!
Tom C.
Wow what an amazing first CES experience. Jim you truly have a character about yourself that models integrity. Thank you, your family, and all your team for everything you do!
Emily W.
Did you miss the incredible training at The Proven Conference 2022 event?
The Videos are Now Available!
Others paid up to several thousand dollars in travel, registration and hotel to attend live (and gave RAVING reviews), but for a few days you get ALL the content for a fraction of what they paid!
Only $599
- 3 days of content-packed presentations by leaders and successful community members
- Online access to professionally recorded video or audio of the conference sessions
- Over 40 Livestream sessions will be included. The most we've ever had!
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